Numbness, Natural Cure Doctor, Costa Mesa, Orange County, California, Dr. Robert Janda, Chiropractor, Natural Healing, Traditional Naturopath, Naturopathic Healing, Fibromyalgia Treatment.
Numbness indicates loss of function in a nerve and it can happen anywhere on the surface of the body. In most cases it is due to compression on a nerve, particularly at the spinal disc, but can also occur in the peripheral nerves due to muscular or Tunnel Entrapment (such as the Carpal Tunnel). Less commonly it can be caused by disease such as Diabetes, Post-Surgical Edema, MS or vascular problems such as we see in Raynaud’s syndrome. For this reason a Medical History needs to be taken as well as evaluation with a complete physical exam. Frequently x-rays or an MRI will be required to further evaluate the cause. Numbness is a common symptom to appear in a Chiropractic practice.